
All Associates in Physical Medicine doctors have completed training in the medical specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), one of 24 medical specialties certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Physical medicine doctors are sometimes referred to as Rehabilitation Physicians or Physiatrists.

As physical medicine physicians, our doctors treat the whole person rather than focusing solely on the area of pain or injury. Our patients appreciate the fact that the doctors are the ones seeing their patients rather than doctor “extenders.” Many of our patients have commented that they feel we listen to them, and they appreciate the extra time we take to answer our patients’ questions.

Between all of the physicians at APM&R, we have a broad knowledge of community resources for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, vocational rehabilitation, counseling and other medical specialties necessary for our patients’ care, as well as ongoing relationships with those providers throughout southeastern Michigan. Our practice also consists of a wide variety of subspecialists, from those with expertise in spine and joint pain to brain injury and stroke rehabilitation specialists.

Meet Our Doctors

Emeritus Doctors

  • Paul Shapiro, M.D.
  • Steven C. Harwood, M.D.
  • Jennifer E. Doble, M.D.
  • Steven N. Gross, D.O.

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